Romford PDSA Pet Hospital

Average score: 3.4/5
(5 reviews)
   The Julie & Robert Breckman Centre, 8 Danes Road, Romford RM7 0HL, UK
   +44 1708 745505
   Veterinary care

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Opening hours

Opening hours
Monday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    New system is atrocious. Can’t ring up anymore. Not everyone wants to rely on Internet services, especially older people, but like all companies nowadays, they are making everything worse and more difficult, contributing to England’s complete decline of public services. Now even the PDSA has decided to follow this nonsense and sign up to a decline in their own services. It was never the best, but is now even worse, thanks to the people that make these awful decisions.


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  2. Rating:

    I visited PDSA for the first time with someone I knew who was in need of support. I was so impressed at the work they do here that I made a donation. PDSA is for low income or people who are unemployed and have pets that become ill. The place has plenty of information and a clear cost of basic treatments for your pets. The staff were very helpful and polite. If you are on a low income or get housing support, etc, and your pet is ill, please take your pet to PDSA. You need to register your pet first, and probably need to prove that you have a current claim with the DWP. Give PDSA a call and I’m sure they will be more than happy to help. You are expected to make a donation for any treatment that your pet receives.


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  3. Rating:

    I would like to say how amazing all the staff was today dealing with not just a very old cat being put down but with a very upset family. The kindness they all showed will stay we us for a life time. Thank you all for everything you have done for us and making our bobs final moments a relaxing one. From the lady who answered the phone, the vet explaining everything and the nurse who made Bob and us relaxed and made sure we were all ready to go ahead x


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  4. Rating:

    killed my baby peanut. she wasn’t even 3 years old yet, took her in to be spayed, vets were so casual and saying no risks but sign this. took her home wednesday, she was very out of it on anestethics but reacted all the ways they said she would, was drinking water really well, kept her cone on, no outside bleeding on her stitches, stayed in her zip up bed safety. she did everything right, these people didn’t do a simple operation right and didn’t think about the risk and it’s cost me my baby. I found her. Took her to be cremated at a different branch as romford one was closed – good friday. I am sick i have been cheated of my baby’s long life, she was so healthy and lively and meant everything to me and these people have killed her. It means nothing to me that this so rare, it never happens, then why did it happen to her. The illford branch I took her to be cremated said she had never heard of this in her 25 years of working there. What am I going to do now.


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  5. Rating:

    Such a kind and hardworking team, everyone works so hard to ensure a good service for the pets and owners. The team goes above and beyond to provide great veterinary care for pets that otherwise would go untreated due to costs. Even if you have to pay for treatment here it is much cheaper than going private and the team do just as well. Some of the reviews here are awful, and I find them very hard to believe, no Veterinary professional is in the business to “kill pets” they love animals and it definitely shows here. Personally they have taken excellent care of my pets, offered great advice, given hand written notes (to help me remember everything from the appointment) and been so kind towards my animals especially my dog who is very nervous). I am so grateful for PDSA Romford and can’t imagine what I would do without them. People need to remember it’s a charity and can’t provide every service you may get private but they are there for those who need it. People moaning about leaving a c...


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