Manor Park

Average score: 3.6/5
(5 reviews)

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    Manor Park Station, nestled in the diverse borough of Newham, serves as a vital transportation hub connecting East London to the rest of the city. My recent experiences at this station highlighted its accessibility, community atmosphere, and role in facilitating seamless travel for commuters and visitors alike.


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  2. Rating:

    First time passing through today; I really like the layout of the station. Wide lifts & a wide walkway. The ticket machines take cash & contactless; there is a ticket office with actual staff members, which is fantastic to see. Local bus stops outside the station, even a board in the station, to let you know when the buses are arriving! Even a stand to pick up a metro; I also enjoyed listening to the announcements whilst waiting for the Elizabeth Line.


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  3. Rating:

    First time in Manor Park area and thanks to Elizabeth Line to made it more easy and accessible. Station seems got new update after new line reached there. Everything looks new and shiny. Lifts available. Big staff team, ticket barriers and bus stop right in front it Station. All I want to say, it’s nice Station.


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  4. Rating:

    This station is full of staff , but they are busy with mobile phones doing their own things, if train is late no announcement and no information will be given.Many times, the train came late but staff don’t care. What a waste of taxpayers’ money on the staff in the station if they are useless.


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  5. Rating:

    This station has had a massive upgrade to it with lifts now available to the platforms. Ticket barriers installed here and the new tfl trains stopping here.


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