Emerson Park

Average score: 3.8/5
(5 reviews)
   Hornchurch RM11 3HS, UK
   Train station

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    This is a quiet station with no public gatherings and looking great. You can get an overground train from here to go Romford and Upminister.


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  2. Rating:

    Lovely little station situated on the Romford-Upminster shuttle line, with Emerson Park being the only station between. In terms of facilities, there’s only 1 platform, sometimes 1 member of staff, a help point, DMIs/departure boards (call it what you will), automated announcements, a canopy sheltering part of the platform and an oyster validator. There are no ticket barriers. This sounds like a lot for a train station, but compared to most train stations in London, this is quite basic. Great for connections to c2c at Upminster (only 5 minutes from Emerson Park) and Greater Anglia at Romford (only 4 minutes or so). However, with it only being the one train shuttling back and forth, the train is every 30 minutes in each direction. Also, if you’re wondering, there isn’t a park called Emerson Park here, but there is a small park with green space, a playground for kids, a sports cage for basketball and football and you can hear the rumble of the Overground train going past. This park is ca...


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  3. Rating:

    TfL should add more train services here!! So quiet! Trains come rarely! No car park! No step-free access! Trains are never on time! I am upset because I used to live near a nice train station I use c2c to get to my office in Limehouse now I have to take these late overground trains too Upminster then take the c2c to Limehouse!! I hate this station if tfl are not going to fix this issue I shall not travel via overground!


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  4. Rating:

    Nice quiet station on the London Overground line which goes to Romford and Upminster. There is a ramp for the platform to get too. Only 1 platform & track at this station with the train going up & down on the same track.


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  5. Rating:

    A history has this little place! Much more soon, ok? Extensive local involvement occurred here!
    Back in the old Beeching Act Days [ Circa 1963 ] the old tory party tried to close down todays public Emerson Park Station as part of his blind cuts which was then called in classic Cowboy and Indian Wild West Style almost the name of all the names “Emerson Park Halt”. Well, it is on a downhill transition curve going through the railway station, even today!
    They, the Tories, failed to close it.
    The story behind that…


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