Brooks Pharmacy

Average score: 2.4/5
(5 reviews)
   12 Chase Cross Road, Romford RM5 3PR, UK
   +44 1708 897617

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Opening hours

Opening hours
Monday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    The staff are never there to pick up the phone and you always get the Answering machine which isn’t very useful.


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  2. Rating:

    On Google it says open but it’s not . A simple answering message with what is happening will prevent a lot of frustration. Suggestion…. Yotel is a good telephone company who can handle that for you ,you just email them when you not open and what message you want,they do the rest.


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  3. Rating:

    Medication was sorted in good time , I received a text and all was there , so far so good , keep it up and I might just stay lol
    Very polite young man at counter , I have a daughter similar age and was impressed with his manners.

    Good start !!



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  4. Rating:

    Staff very rude and don’t honor price label in front item even though it has been there since Oct 2023


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  5. Rating:

    If I could give minus stars and Google would allow users to I defintely would. Since this pharmacy changed hands from Lloyds to now called Brooks, it has gone from the fat to the frying pan.
    The staff in there are unhelpful and rude. The queues are ridiculous. There was one member of staff that just ignored my question when I was about to purchase a product in the shop and had to go for a lunch break or a cigarette break more than likely.
    The wait times are even worse, and this never happened so badly when it was called Llloyds.
    My advice go to another pharmacy like Clockhouse that provide much better service, where the staff are more polite and helpful.
    I would never come to this badly run pharmacy again!

    “we do not recall this particular interaction”, that is because nobody served me!

    You can think “you give a good service”, well many disagree!



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