Premier Inn London Romford West hotel

Average score: 4.6/5
(5 reviews)
   Whalebone Lane North, Romford RM6 6QU, UK
   +44 333 321 8453

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    Good size carpark and its free just remember to enter your registration plate at reception and its free !
    Quick check-in
    My room up a flight of stairs Was a good size as was the bathroom
    Bed was super comfortable as always
    WiFi good Shower hot And powerful
    Location on the outskirts of Romford next to a busy junction!
    Would stay again if in the area


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  2. Rating:

    Premier Inn, Romford West. Lovely big double room, with windows that open, unlike some hotels I’ve stayed in.
    Breakfast was excellent serves by Chef Patricia, she even cooked my husbands eggs to order. The restaurant was spotlessly clean with nice decor. I would say that the breakfast experience was actually better that Toby’s which is on the same site.
    I will definitely be using this hotel more often. Nice, cosy, attentive staff and especially Chef Patricia who gave a well cooked meal, I felt refreshed to start my day.


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  3. Rating:

    Five stars from me. I’ve frequented this hotel on a few occasions now and have been happy with the hotel and staff on each occasion. Gina and the rest of the team go beyond to help.
    A great night sleep guaranteed.


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  4. Rating:

    Really nice hotel, clean and the staff are very friendly, especially Gina, she is so helpful and polite and go’s out of her way to make your stay as pleasurable as possible. Her customer service is amazing. I stay at this hotel regularly and I always look forward to seeing her and the rest of the team.


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  5. Rating:

    Friendly staff who couldn’t do more for you. Room was modern, clean and well set out. Brilliant telly and comfy bed. Bathroom was clean and I liked the fact I could have a shower or bath 😀 Thanks again and credit to all staff I had seen on my two nights


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