Grosvenor Road Surgery

Average score: 1/5
(5 reviews)
   1 Grosvenor Road, Dagenham RM8 1NR, UK
   +44 20 8592 1082

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Opening hours

Opening hours
Monday: 12:00 – 12:30 PM
Tuesday: 12:00 – 12:30 PM
Wednesday: 12:00 – 12:30 PM
Thursday: 12:00 – 12:30 PM
Friday: 12:00 – 12:30 PM
Saturday: 12:00 – 12:30 PM
Sunday: 12:00 – 12:30 PM

Additional information on Grosvenor Road Surgery

This is the location of Grosvenor Road Surgery

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    You could never get an appointment. My elderly parent’s have to wait a week for them to get an appointment after ringing the surgery everyday for a appointment. Receptionist are very rude and not helpful at all.


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  2. Rating:

    What an absolute joke this practise is…firstly I have been constant calling to make an appointment for past month to finally be given an appointment at 9am…was called in to be seen by a nurse who was no help at all and refused to listen to any of my problems…then 2 mins in to my appointment the receptionist comes in and has a conversation with the nurse whilst leaving the door wide open and another Male joined the conversation all whilst my appointment is in process!!! Disgusting practises and should be shut down!!! Asap


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  3. Rating:

    My name is rubina azhar, I m registered here since long but specially now receptionist behaviour is very rude and she has a zero knowledge of patient dealings. I never ever got appointment through them only Dr’s called me when they received a letter from my nurses, this surgery should be closed now because no body can have appointments and they said drs are fully booked, how it is possible, I am going to write higher authority as well


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  4. Rating:

    I’ve been registered at this GP my entire life. I use the practice 2x a year to collect meds and generally speaking, no more than that. Before Dr Haider’s passing (peace be with him), the practice had it’s faults (predominantly with the snotty receptionist) but on the whole it was good. He would listen to anything I needed to say throughout my appointment, never made me feel like I was being rushed and took everything seriously. I understand Dr Rizvy (I hope I’ve spelt her name right) does shifts in the practice now and I find her just the same as Dr Haider.

    The reception team must be addressed. They have always been the downfall of this practice. They’re rude, ask you about the nature of your appointment (they’re not medically trained!) and are very quick to try and turn you away or get you off the phone.

    Today alone I called 38 times before I got an answer. I was told to come back to the practice at 1300 which I did to find the door locked and no...



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  5. Rating:

    I finally got an appointment after phoning many many times and being told where fully booked phone back at 4 then I phone at 4 then they say where fully booked phone back tomorrow. My appointment was for 9:10 I got there on time and there were 4 people in the queue just enquiring about stuff and having a little chit chat like the older people tend to do. By the time i was next it was 9:17 and the receptionist has the cheek to tell me that because of the time i may not be seen. Wow.


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