Battlefield Muay Thai Gym

Average score: 5/5
(5 reviews)
   177-181 Hornchurch Road, Hornchurch RM12 4TE, UK
   +44 7832 211524

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    I have been training at this gym for over 8 months and it has been a great experience. Grant and Dee are exceptional instructors, with so much experience and knowledge. They have helped me push training to my limits with both classes and 121 sessions. It has had a positive impact on me mentally and physically, especially with my coordination. The classmates are a nice and friendly bunch. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are or whether you are a beginner or intermediate, I highly recommend Battlefield Muay Thai Gym. Getting fit and self defence is a great combination!


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  2. Rating:

    This is a fun family run gym, with great atmosphere. I’ve been going here for 6 months now and it’s by far the greatest physical challenge I’ve had to date. I’m a regular gym goer (my partner would beg to differ) with an athletic build, this, gym, humbled me. I’ve learnt so much from Grant & Dee and the other teachers. I would strongly recommend becoming a member everyone training at this gym is super welcoming and friendly. Membership is affordable Great place to home in your skills in Muay Thai and build confidence. Oh and they also do 1-2-1 classes which I would recommend. The gym itself has charisma and smells like hard work, which helps to inspire oneself to push harder and become stronger and more disciplined.


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  3. Rating:

    My son has been attending Battlefield Muay Thai Gym for a little under a year now and he absolutely loves it. It’s difficult to find disciplines that start at such a young age and this was the perfect first experience. My son has just turned six and it’s given him a great introduction to martial arts, self discipline and physical progress. Dee and Grant are amazing with all the kids and genuinely pay an interest in what makes your child tick and how to get the best out of them so they can become the best versions of themselves. We will continue to lean on their expertise and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to anyone else considering putting their children through the gym to learn a martial art.


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  4. Rating:

    Best place for Thai Boxing – From complete beginners for fitness and weight control to World titles specialising in Kids 4-16yrs old for healthy development of body and mind. We have had Juniors representing at world level since 2015 at the Royal World Cup Games in Thailand with various World Championships inbetween to more recently representing England at WBC World Games. We really can offer training for all abilities and needs – we offer both day and evening classes for all abilities to achieve your varied goals. Come and see for yourself – we arent just a gym we are the best place for your fitness and self defence goals to be realised


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  5. Rating:

    Both my son and daughter joined this, and they’ve both had an excellent experience. They look forward to every lesson. It’s a safe and welcoming environment and perfect for teaching self-defence and staying healthy. I strongly recommend this gym.


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