Body and Soul Yoga

Average score: 5/5
(5 reviews)
   18 Carlton Road, Romford RM2 5AA, UK
   Fitness center

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Opening hours
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    Fantastic teaching by Mary. I had a wonderful yoga class with her tonight and would recommend her to you all.
    She has so much knowledge about Yoga and the mind and body. Her Zoom class is perfect for me, as I cannot get to her class in Romford.


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  2. Rating:

    Started weekly Sunday in-person classes in October.
    Mary is a great instructor and a lovely person. She really cares about what she teaches and the way she teaches suits no matter what age, ability or experience you have.
    The classes are so beneficial, I leave them feeling relaxed and ready the start the week ahead.
    After recent personal difficulties, I wanted to do something for myself and my well being and I couldn’t have picked a better class.


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  3. Rating:

    This was my first time attending Mary’s class at the Rafa club.
    I was made to feel so welcome and enjoyed the class .
    The combination of stretches and breath work made me feel totally relaxed and I am looking forward to the next time.
    Thank you Mary


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  4. Rating:

    Mary is a great instructor. She takes the time to understand the needs of her students and then tailors the classes to their needs. I particularly love the Yoga in the Park classes and the back care classes on Tuesdays. Thanks for the great service Mary, and keep it up! 🙂


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  5. Rating:

    Great, friendly classes for all abilities with a really lovely instructor. Highly recommend the backcare yoga, which I started after back surgery. Mary is fabulous and tailors to the needs of her students wherever she can.


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