Absolute Yoga and Pilates

Average score: 5/5
(5 reviews)
   HASWA, Wood Lane, Hornchurch RM12 5NB, UK
   +44 7821 969405
   Fitness center

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    What can I say about Adriana! I am glad I came to know her from my gym. I had never been a Pilates and Yoga lover, but she turned me into one. They say a good teacher is the one who makes you fall in love with the subject; indeed, Adriana is that teacher. She makes sure to look after her class while they are doing Yoga and Pilates and corrects them if necessary. I have seen a huge difference in my flexibility since I started taking her class. There’s no complain of any lower back pain, which I had been suffering from since ages due to scoliosis. Thank you for being an amazing teacher. You have helped me to improve my practice and find inner peace.


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  2. Rating:

    I attended my second Tibetan Sound Bowl healing class last Friday and it was just beautiful. Pauline and Adriana are the most amazing teachers showing compassion and understanding throughout all of their classes. They are inclusive and have dispelled my imposter syndrome when it comes to my yoga abilities. It’s a truly wonderful experience and I would recommend their classes to anyone. x


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  3. Rating:



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  4. Rating:

    Amazing first day of my hatha yoga course Class, Pauline is fabulous, warm and friendly. Loved every minute of it. Even though was the first one I already feel the benefits this morning… Iv had a stiff back for a while… Its much better!!! Can’t wait for the following classes


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  5. Rating:

    I originally started Pilates to help beat depression and low self confidence. I had tried other yoga classes but as a complete novice felt it was too advanced for me but Pauline changed all that. She is a wonderfully positive and supportive teacher in both Pilates and yoga. She ensures that everyone in her classes work at a level that they are comfortable with, either in experience or adaptations for physical difficulties. She has a calm and peaceful presence and gives clear and helpful guidance throughout. I have loved learning Pilates, it is as challenging as you choose to make it, Pauline guides you as your knowledge grows. I tried yoga once I had completed the full Pilates programme a couple of times for a change and am SO glad I did. Yoga has not only helped me feel happier in myself, more confident of my body but I have truly found my off switch. After a difficult day Yoga helps me leave that behind, unwind and relax and regain perspective. I find the co-ordinated movement sequen...


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