Gardens of Peace ® Muslim Cemetery (Five Oaks)

Average score: 5/5
(5 reviews)
   1 Five Oaks Lane, Chigwell IG7 4QP, UK
   +44 20 8502 6000

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Opening hours

Opening hours
Monday: 8:00 AM – 6:45 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 6:45 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 6:45 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 6:45 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:45 PM
Saturday: 6:00 AM – 7:45 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM – 6:45 PM

Additional information on Gardens of Peace ® Muslim Cemetery (Five Oaks)

This is the location of Gardens of Peace ® Muslim Cemetery (Five Oaks)

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    Showing 5 reviews
  1. Rating:

    There are prayer rooms situated at the entrance with facilities for women too. Access only during cemetery opening times only

    2 car parks, one at the front of mosque and a 2nd at the back.

    Very calm and always kept tidy

    I like that there are no tombstones or large plaques or anything. All the graves are uniform with a simple plate with name and details of deceased. It’s simple but creates such beauty and harmony to the graveyard.

    Always busy with people doing ziyara, which feels nice and brings comfort knowing someone is always here making dua for the inhabitants of the grave. They are continuously receiving heartfelt duas from visitors.



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  2. Rating:

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Thank you to the staff who helped facilitate our Fathers burial on 25th February. We cannot stress enough just how pleased we were that we was able to have the burial so promptly after his passing. The service we received was brilliant. It was our Father’s wish to be buried at GOP & we as a Family feel at ease in knowing he chose Gardens of Peace.

    Name truly reflects the location & the way the cemetery is.

    It feels so calming each time we visit our Dads grave. It is well kept with excellent facilities with prayer and wudhu facilities ,separate for women too & a donation box along with the Dua reminder. Parking is available too. The older graves look very well maintained too. Really stands out in comparison to other cemeteries we have been to and not just because our Father is buried here.

    We ask Allah to reward all the staff and also the volunteers at Gardens of Peace.

    Keep up all the hard work and efforts you all are doing.

    Khan Family



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  3. Rating:

    Went for a burial and the place is very well organised and most of the staff are very respectful. The boss is simply amazing and he offered prayer for the deceased which was very much needed! Location is also great on an off road and parking is great even on busy days they accommodate


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  4. Rating:

    This is the new garden of peace. I have family members resting in the other grounds. Both grounds are beautiful and peaceful. This is still developing but nonetheless still beautiful and taken care of. The funeral was all taken care of by the staff. The only thing I found was as someone who was new and from a fair distance to this resting ground, that there was no indication of where we had to go or that we were able to see family member inside the building and say farewell. Maybe some signs to direct the guests especially from afar who are new this garden of peace.


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  5. Rating:

    Beautiful and peaceful.

    Graves are well maintained and clean walkway areas.
    Even though the grid system is there to locate a specific grave; the location markings should be more visible on proper boards. Some signage was there but not very visible. It’s challenging to find a specific grave.

    Sadly… ever expanding.



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